In New Zealand, you take your place on a carefully designed education pathway proven to produce graduates with the skills to complete and succeed anywhere in the world.
Early childhood education is available from the age of three. You begin formal eduation at the age of 5 when you enter primary school.
From here, New Zealand’s education system progresses through 13 year level. Years 1 to 8 (ages 5-12) are spent at primary school, although some children spend years 7 and 8 in intermediate schools.
Secondary school (also known as high school or college) is where you spend years 9 to 13 (ages 13 to 18).
After secondary schools, students have the option to go on to univeristies, institutes of technology and polytechnics, private traning establishments.
Primary schools build a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy and introduce a broad balanced curriculum.
Secondary schools focus on subject-based learning, with growing opportunities to sepcialize as you progress in your learning. At both primary and secondary schools child-focuses learning and independent thinking are encouraged.
Use the chart below to see where you fit into the New Zealand education system based on your age.